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How about we do our beautiful bouquet of wonderful pink lilies perfect for a Birthday, Thank you, Appropriate for Sympathy – You can do a mix of pink/white or orange/yellow as well.

Please note: We only use the freshest flowers so lilies may be sent closed. This will ensure your bouquet lasts for the lucky recipient.

Beautiful bouquet of wonderful  lilies perfect for a Birthday, Thank you, Appropriate for Sympathy

 You can do  Pink, White, Orange or Yellow or mix as well.

Please note: We only use the freshest flowers so lilies may be sent closed. 

This will ensure your bouquet lasts for the lucky recipient.

Delivered to the home or work place is your choice

Price for local delivery only


For national and international please contact us

COVID-19 Contact less delivery resumed. Please refer to home page for details 

Click below to select

$ 47.00