Daffodil Day - Cancer Council Fundraiser
For some years now, Momento Magico Flowers have supported the Cancer Council on Daffodil Day.
This has included a Fundraiser Cinema Night followed by a Raffle and complimentary supper.
Dinner Dancing with door price and kindly donated by local business gift which have been raffled on the evening.
Italian Style launch at local function room provided by a local club. "See attached photo of event"
Enjoyable family events, with prizes from local businesses and organizations donated!
We would like to thank everyone who contributed their kind donations and to those who have attended the events. We are very appreciative of all support!
We are look forward to resume the event as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic will be declare over.
For more information, please contact Ornella on (03) 5625 5398
We proud to support some of our local sports clubs and public organization